Ariel Louwrier

Ariel Louwrier Profile Photo


Dr. Louwrier received his Ph.D in Biochemistry from the University of Kent in the U.K. in 1992 and completed a postdoctoral fellowship at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1994.. He started his corporate scientific career at ABgene Ltd (UK) in 1995 and oversaw the production of novel PCR-related products and their manufacture until late 2002, highlighted by patent US6479264B1 that allowed the company to enter the real-time PCT market effectively. In 2003 he was recruited to become President of Stressgen Bioreagents, based in Victoria, Canada, where he grew the company until its sale to Ampersand Ventures (USA) and subsequently Assay Designs Inc (USA). Preferring to stay in Victoria, he founded StressMarq Biosciences in 2006 while consulting for a variety of research reagent and service-based companies. In subsequent years he oversaw the development and manufacturing of new fibrillar prion-like protein preparations for neurodegenerative research as well as numerous other product lines, making StressMarq the only manufacturer of these protein preparations world-wide. He is the author of 16 peer-reviewed publications, and holder of several patents. He was made a Corporate Fellow of the Cell Stress Society International in 2018 as well as owning and teaching at the non-profit martial arts organization, Jindokai Karate, for the last 8 years.

Oct. 30, 2022

Ariel Louwrier - Entrepreneur & Provider of Research Tools

This week on the Life Science Success podcast my guest is Ariel Louwrier. Ariel has been involved in startups from the beginning including research and patents through operations and sales & marketing. His company Stressmarq provides tools...

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